Fielding Graduate University

2020 De la Vina Street
Santa Barbara, California 93105
Admissions: 805-898-4026

Washington DC Offices
700 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, 2nd Floor
Washington, DC 20003

Evidence Based Coaching Symposium

Hosted by Fielding Graduate University.

Set yourself apart from others in the field with an Evidence Based Coaching (EBC) certificate. This multidisciplinary-based coach certification program can be completed in one year through a combination of online, teleconferencing, and face-to-face sessions. Fielding’s EBC is an ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP)

Samuel P Magill Sr., MBA, MCC

Coaching Symposium / Samuel P Magill Sr., MBA, MCC

Samuel P Magill Sr., MBA, MCC


Samuel P Magill Sr., MBA, MCC, Accredited Coach Supervisor

Sam is an early explorer of Coaching Supervision, having studied at the Coaching Supervision Academy in 2009-2010 in the UK. He brought Supervision training to North America in 2012 and now is teaching his final cohort. He will continue providing individual and group supervision.

Sam’s interest in Supervision is rooted in his training in group dynamics in 1981 where he developed curiosity in what is happening in among people. It is also rooted in his observations as a photographer and deep listening as a poet.

As an internal coach at The Boeing Company from 1988 to 1996, he experienced the sometimes toxic effects of being embedded in a system while attempting to influence it. He left Boeing and attended the Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara where he then served as faculty from 2002 to 2008.

Sam is currently building a 21-foot kayak and learning new skills – a new chapter to a life of learning.


Research Room: WHY COACHING SUPERVISION (1.0 CCEU: .5 CC & .5 RD)